First of all we hope you are all keeping well in these strangest of times.

It feels like community has never been more important and we hope this newsletter is a welcome reminder that even if we can’t see each other we are all still here and working together for the common good.

School logo competition results

Earlier this year, pupils at All Saints Primary School near The Lawns site started designing a logo for our project and we’re delighted to see the wonderful creative work they’ve produced.

It was a tough choice for the judges Anna Jacobs (Crystal Palace Artists Open House), Margaret Adjaye (Upper Norwood Library Hub) and Stephen Mann (ward Councillor) but they finally settled on an outstanding top three. In particular, the judges commented on the strong use of colour and the references to both community strength and the environment in the winning entries.

The children were rewarded with vouchers for The Bookseller Crow, the triangle’s local bookshop.

You can see some photos and a gallery of all the amazing entries here.

Progress during lockdown

The Lawns project has been moving forward, thanks to those working from home. We’ve now appointed a Project Co-ordinator (Chris Carthy), architects (Archio) and solicitors (Anthony Collins). We’re hoping to soon sign a Heads of Terms with Croydon Council for a 250 year lease on the land.

We’re also agreeing terms with Brick by Brick, who will help us to manage our project and to make some financial savings. Unlike on other Brick by Brick projects, we will be the client, not the Council, and our Board will ensure that our homes are designed and built in the best interests of the local community as this is one of our core objectives. We’ve written a fuller statement on why and how we’re using their services.

Once we finish this work and lockdown restricts are lifted we will be able to start working with our members and other local residents to design our scheme for The Lawns. Watch this space.

Engaging with Local Freelancers

Janet met with the Crystal Palace Freelancers group at the Paxton Centre in early February and spoke about the CLT and the Lawns project.

We want to support local businesses and we always try to advertise jobs and contracts through networks like theirs so it was especially good to make a connection with them – and to have several of them join the CLT after Janet’s talk!

Join the CLT Board

We’d love to co-opt more members onto our Board so if you feel like being part of this please get in touch – especially if you have any skills in financial management. We particularly want to recruit a Treasurer, who will work with our accountants.

The job of the Board is to make sure the CLT is being well run and it meets three or four times a year. You can read more about us, and the minutes from our recent meetings, on this webpage.