UPDATE: we’ve now found our new Treasurer, thanks for all the interest! If you’d like to support and get involved with another community led housing group in London, get in touch with the folk at CLH London.
Are you a financial whizz, or would you like to become one?
Would you like to give something back to your local community, helping us to build more affordable, environmentally friendly homes?
If you’ve answered yes to both questions, please get in touch about becoming our Treasurer!
About the role
The Treasurer is a Director with a specific role on our Board. You will need to be elected to the position at our next AGM, but the current Directors can co-opt you in the meantime.
As a Director you’ll be expected to attend an average of four or five meetings a year, including our AGM. You can read about the general work of the Board here.
As Treasurer you will work with our accountants to help the Board carry out its financial responsibilities. This may include:
- presenting financial reports to the board in a format that helps the board understand the CLT’s financial position
- advising the board on how to carry out its financial responsibilities, liasing with professional advisors like accountants
- overseeing the preparation and scrutiny of annual accounts
- taking on some day to day financial duties, such as book-keeping, budgeting and setting up payments for another Director to authorise
At the moment the duties are not very onerous. We have quite a small number of transactions to set up and keep track of; we will shortly appoint accountants to prepare our annual accounts; and we pay a Project Co-ordinator and Project Manager to do the complex budget management for our project on The Lawns.
We don’t currently have a budget to pay the Treasurer, but will consider agreeing an honorarium-type payment in recognition of the day-to-day work you will be carrying out for the CLT.
The Honorary Treasurers Forum offers support and networking for those who take the role of Treasurer on nonprofit boards. They publish the free Honorary Treasurer’s Handbook. The Forum also run regular meetings, provide updates and briefings, carry out research and produce other helpful publications. You could draw on all of this to help you in the role. We could also introduce you to Treasurers of other CLTs in or near London, and other community groups in Crystal Palace.
How to apply
If you’d like to be considered for this role, please send an email with your CV, telling us why you’d like to apply to crystalpalaceclt@gmail.com. We’d be interested in any relevant experience you have, and in skills you’d like to learn through the role.
If you’d like to discuss the role to understand what’s involved, just email us and a Director will give you a call.