We shared our plans for our homes at The Lawns with fellow locals at St Cyprian’s primary school, just down the road from the site.
A mix of people, some who have engaged with us in the past and a number of new faces, all turned up to look at and give feedback on the plans. This is our last major engagement ahead of submitting a planning application later in the summer.
Chris, our chair, talked through the story that led to the draft plans – how we assessed the site’s slopes and ancient oak tree, the neighbouring homes, underground pipes and other constraints; the creation of our resident design group, a representative mix of local people who set the priorities as affordability first and environmental standards second; how we took account of all the feedback we’ve had along the way from people directly opposite, nearby and elsewhere in Crystal Palace, and from the Croydon Council planners.

We also got a chance to look at the exhibition boards and a small 3D model to better understand how the homes will look, and how they will relate to the surrounding area.
Following this event we’ll hold one last session with our resident design group, to discuss materials and landscaping, before submitting our planning application.