The Chair and Board of Crystal Palace Community Land Trust have pleasure in inviting you to a General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 13th March from 7.30-8.30pm on Zoom, online.

Register to attend here and receive the zoom link.

We will be joined by Cllr Lynne Hale, Croydon cabinet member for homes, and have invited all our local ward cllrs.

Along with the formal business, we will be discussing how to allocate the homes we plan to build at The Lawns, and how to create and look after the new community garden.

Agenda for the Annual General Meeting on 13th March 2024, 7.30pm

1. Chair welcomes the members

2. Overview of CPCLT’s story to date – Tom Chance, Director

3. Update on The Lawns – Rob Shaw, Director

4. Apologies for absence

5. Approval of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 10th November 2022, and Extraordinary General Meeting held in January 2023.

6. Approval of accounts for 2022-23

6. Resolution to dis-apply the requirement for an audit for 2022-23 (below)

7. Any other business.

Resolution to dis-apply the requirement for an audit for 2022-23

“It is hereby resolved that subject to the provisions of section 84 of the Co-Operative and  Community  Benefit  Societies  Act  2014,  the  members  of  the  Society  shall  not require an audit for the accounts covering the recent financial year ending on 31 March 2023, by hereby electing  to dis-apply section 83 of the Act.”

Explanation: we are not legally required to undergo an audit unless we have assets of more than £5.1m or turnover of more than £10.2m. In the current financial year our turnover won’t be higher than £500k at the most. An audit is expensive and unnecessary, and so we would like to agree not to pay for one.